Eco Information – Eco Church Bronze Award

the eco church survey may be found here

Declaration  – All churches and the circuit have now made the declaration of climate emergency.

DDVC Environmental Policy September 2023

District Environmental Policy

Recycling Challenge

A challenge to all churches could be to check all pens in the building and recycle dud ones. For our next meeting of the circuit Code Red Response team contact

  • Makeup recycle at Boots
  • Soft plastic recycle at Tesco, Coop
  • Crisp packets recycle to make into blankets – look at website for where
  • Also some schools may be involved in collecting crisp packets

How you can reduce your use of single use plastics

Help us spread the word, encourage others to sign up to the County Durham Single Use Plastics Pledge!

Lead by example, encourage others to get rid of single use plastics such as straws, coffee stirrers, plastic cups

There are all sorts of things you can choose to do your bit such as:

  • carry a shopping bag instead of buying a plastic bag
  • carry a reusable bottle – download Refill app to find out where you can refill your bottle 
  • take a reusable coffee cup – some cafes and shops even offer a small discount if you use your own cup
  • say no to plastic straws
  • avoid excessive food packaging
  • say no to disposable cutlery
  • pack your lunch in reusable containers
  • get your milk delivered – you can find your nearest delivery on Find Me A Milkman
  • avoid using microbeads which are mainly found in exfoliating face and body scrubs, shower gels, toothpastes 
  • Bin Twinning @ – A few of the twinned bins are shown below:

God our creator, you have made us one with this earth to tend it and to bring forth fruit. May we so respect and cherish all that has life from you, that we may share in the labour of all creation to give birth to your hidden glory, through Jesus Christ. Amen

Janet Morley: All Desires Known (SPCK 1992).