Under the new vision Sunday worship services are now being held weekly as a hybrid service at Elvet at 10:30 am and an in person service only at the North Road site at 4 pm. We are now one church on two sites and we look forward to welcoming you to Durham City Methodist Church. We are a gathered congregation pooling our resources to further the Kingdom of God here on earth.
Durham City Methodist Church has about 70 – 80 people regularly attending worship in the morning and 30 in the afternoon. The congregation is drawn from the city and from surrounding villages and they come from all walks of life.
There is a Junior Church staffed by volunteers catering for children from 3 up to 15+ . This meets on Sunday at the same time as the present main morning service at 10.30 am.
There is a creche available upon request for the under 3s.
The church is home to the Inclusive Christian Movement Durham an ecumenical group of students having the university chaplaincy for the Methodist church in Durham City. Currently their members are led by their President and Exec.
Service times
Sunday 10.30 am at the Elvet site and 4 pm at the North Road site
There is also a link to Zoom for the 10:30 am service so participation may happen from wherever you are. For further details please contact
A wide variety of activities take place throughout the week at Elvet. Click on the links below for more details.
- Choir
- Prayer Meetings and House Groups
- Junior Church and Crèche
- Uniformed Organisations
- Lunch Stop
- Arts and Craft Workshop
- Coffee Mornings
Old Elvet, Durham City DH1 3HL
North Road, Durham, DH1 4SG
Where we are
Our Elvet Methodist Church is situated in Durham City beside Hotel Indigo, opposite the Marriott County Hotel and behind the Three Tuns Student Accommodation.
Our North Road church is just by the roundabout below the viaduct, next to the bus station. Before becoming part of Durham City Methodists it was known as North Road Methodist Church. When the chapel was built in 1853 it was called Bethel: this name can still be seen in the exterior stonework.
View Durham & Deerness Valley Circuit in a larger map
Contact Information
For more information please contact the Minister or Mrs P.A. Bissell
Ministers and University Chaplain Rev John Squares and Deacon Ruth Lackenby
Other information
We have facilities for those who are physically challenged. There are also ‘nappy changing’ facilities for babies at Elvet.
Elvet and North Road are ideal venues with wonderful acoustics for concerts and other musical events large or small. For further details of how to book a room go to book a room
We are always seeking new ways to help in the local community. If you think Durham City Methodists can offer you any help or you can help us in any way please contact Rev John Squares – details above.
If you like what you read here – do come along and join us! You will be very welcome.