The land for two churches on Newton Hall was donated by Wm Leech when the Newton Hall Estate was built. A Methodist Church was built in 1967. After worshipping in Blue Coat School for some time it was agreed that both the Anglican and Methodist denominations would worship in the same church so in 1970 a Local Ecumenical Project was set up at All Saints. This is now a Local Ecumenical Partnership. See All Saints website link at the bottom of the page:
All Saints has around 100 Members ranging from the very young to the – not so young! We offer an inter-denominational, friendly, family environment for all age worship. Our Vision Statement reads: “All Saints seeks to be a tolerant, vibrant worshipping church, enthusiastically working through practical and spiritual action to share Christ’s love with all.”
Service times
Sunday 9.00 a.m. – Is a quieter service with a more traditional feel with Holy Communion on 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays. Morning Worship on 2nd and 4th.
Sunday 10.45 a.m. – First Sunday in the month is Cafe Church. Second and Fourth are traditional Holy Communion services and 5th Sunday varies. Third Sunday is Baptism when required or Morning Service in a variety of forms
Second Sunday 4pm – Messy Church
Our Children’s Church meets every Sunday morning as part of the 10.45 service (except first and 2nd Sundays)
Prayer Meeting – every Sunday at 6 pm – held in either the prayer corner in the church or the back room – All Welcome.
Midweek Communion at 2.30 pm – A monthly communion service takes place on a Wednesday
Rainbow Club – meets Monday afternoons . A chance for pre-school children and their carers to meet together in a friendly relaxed atmosphere.
Mother’s Union – Monday evening monthly.
Coffee morning every Saturday with Traidcraft items for sale.
Brownies meet on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings.
Guides meet on Wednesday evenings
Other activities:
For the past five years Durham North Team have been formally linked with Bujumbura Christian University and in that time a group has visited the country and the Team has raised over £10,000!
Although the Muneza family have now moved on from the Team, the link is alive and active. Please take time to watch the wonderful video that Christine and others have produced. It includes the students singing ‘we wish you a merry Christmas’ and offers lots of creative ways to give them some financial support in the coming year.
Carr House Drive DH1 5LT
The church is located on Carr House Drive on Newton Hall Estate in the north of the city. Approaching the estate from the city centre – turn right then first left (Carr House Drive) and follow the road for approx 200m. All Saints is on the left between the Lindisfarne Care Home and the Coop.
View Durham & Deerness Valley Circuit in a larger map
Contact Information
For more information please contact the Minister
Youth Worker –